Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Called to be a witness

Bible Reading: St.  Luke 9: 1-6


The scripture passage for today’s meditation reminds us about the importance of witnessing in context. When Jesus sent out his 12 disciples for mission, He gave them instructions, power and authority to caste out demons and cure diseases.  Jesus reminded the disciples that the power and authority they have are not for self serving, rather for witnessing the Kingdom of God in context. The same principle holds true today: whom God calls, God equips. Jesus told them to preach about the Kingdom of God. Anyone who repents and believes can be part of the Kingdom of God. When disciples went for mission journeys they had to have complete faith in God’s providence. Jesus said to them, “Take nothing for the journey, neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money; and do not have two tunics apiece.” St. Luke 9:3. In other words, Jesus exhorted his disciples to practice simplicity, urgency and sincerity when they were to bear witness to the Kingdom of God. Church as a body of Christ and followers of Jesus has the same responsibility to carry out this mission. The church's mission is a multifaceted ministry including witness, service, justice, healing, reconciliation, and much more. The message in the ministry of Jesus Christ is the ultimate model of mission. A theologian, Nissen, observed that "mission is fundamentally the movement of God's people toward the world, which is based on God's self-revelation as the One who loves the world, God's involvement in and with the world." It is in relating with others that we become human. Our relationship with other people helps us to understand God. Our late Philipose Mar Chrysostom Metropolitan often explained, "Love is giving the best to others." The Mar Thoma Church is a community that cherishes the legacy of giving up wealth and possessions to continue as a transforming presence in society.


O Lord Jesus Christ, who called your Church to witness, help us to proclaim the good news of your love, that all who hear it, may be drawn to you. Amen.


Be a witness for Christ where ever we are and where ever we go

Rev. Biju P. Simon – Philadelphia Mar Thoma Church

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