Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Called to be a Witness

Bible Reading:   Rev. 14: 1-5

Key verse: Rev. 14: 3
“And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders.  No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.”


‘Revelation’ is the closing book of the Bible.  John, the Apostle, is the author of this book.  The book contains so many prophesies.  The book is presented as a vision of St. John in his sleep.  Jesus Christ makes His glorious appearance before John.  In Revelation, Chapter14, Lord Jesus Christ is seen as the head of his faithful followers.  He appears as a Lamb standing upon Mount Zion.  He is the sacrificial lamb.  His faithful 144,000 followers who are pure and sealed, are seen praising him with a divine song, constantly witnessing Christ.  They once belonged to the earth. They had been redeemed for ever.  Just like these saintly singing people, we have to proclaim Jesus and faithfully follow the Lord wherever he goes.   Our unstinted devotion is what we have to offer.  The world is infested with the power and growth of the kingdom of Satan.  Our responsibility is the restoration and the growth of the kingdom of God on the earth vehemently and constantly fighting against the evil that surrounds us.  We should not be frightened of the external evil forces.  Jesus Christ wants us to live for him. He who is great, beckons us to shine in this world like gems and jewels by making ourselves His humble servants.   


O Lord make us your true children.  Instill in us the courage to proclaim your name.  Enable us to praise your holy name always just like 144,000 people before your throne.  The world is in turmoil.  Equip us, Lord, to tirelessly work for you throughout.  Amen.


“If you love Christ, never be ashamed to let others see it and know it.  Speak for Him.  Witness for Him.  Live for Him.”  -Bishop J. C. Ryle 

Prof. Elias Abraham
Baltimore Mar Thoma Church


Christian Education Forum
Diocese of North America of the Mar Thoma Church


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