Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Mar Thoma Church Day
Bible Reading: St. John 11:13-16
Key Verse: Thomas said …, "Let us also go, that we may die with him." (John 11: 16)
The liturgical calendar (lectionary) of the Mar Thoma Church observes December 21st as Mar Thoma Church Day (Sabha Dhinam). According to church tradition, it's believed that the Apostle St. Thomas brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Malabar Coast of Kerala, India, in the first century (52 AD). Today's scripture passage focuses on the faith response of St. Thomas.
In this passage, Jesus is informed that his beloved friend Lazarus is sick. He intentionally waits with the disciples for two days before returning to him. The disciples encourage Jesus not to go to Lazarus, fearing that he will be killed. Jesus and His disciples had just fled Jerusalem because they were going to be stoned to death. Christ proclaimed to be God- in Truth- causing the Jews to come against Him with stones (St. John 10:30), their death sentence for blasphemy. Thomas, being there with them, knew if they went back to Jerusalem, they were going back to face the death they just fled from.
However, Thomas faithfully answers, "Let us also go, that we may die with him." (John11:16). Ultimately, they went back, Jesus resurrected Lazarus, and then was arrested a few days later. Thomas's courage and conviction to follow Jesus inspires us to follow Christ today. In our faith journey, we are called to die and resurrect every day with Christ. Amid challenges and difficulties, we are reminded of this apostle's faith and that we are called to be faithful and sacrificing disciples of Jesus.
After Christ's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, all the disciples took on the mantle of responding to Christ's Great Commission (St. Matthew 28:20) by spreading the Gospel. Church tradition mentions that St. Thomas was the first disciple to leave the boundaries of the Roman Empire to preach the Gospel. Tradition also mentions that Thomas died a martyr's death in Mylapore, now part of modern-day Chennai (Madras) in India.