Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Vision of Restoration: Living in the Light of the Lord 

Bible Reading: Micah 4:1-7


Key Verse: Verse:2 "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in His paths." 


In our portion today, the prophet Micah paints a beautiful picture of hope and restoration, where peace reigns, and nations gather to seek the Lord's guidance. Yet, as we look at our world today, this vision feels distant. Wars, political divisions, societal inequalities, and environmental crises remind us of a world struggling under the weight of brokenness.
However, this passage speaks directly to our times, offering hope amidst turmoil. It reminds us that God’s plan for humanity is not chaos but peace, not division but unity. While the world continues to groan under sin, God invites us to live as agents of His restoration—sharing His light and spreading hope.
Today, the call to "walk in His paths" (Micah 4:2) is more urgent than ever. We are the instruments God uses to transform swords into plowshares, bringing healing to broken communities and standing as a beacon of His peace. Though complete restoration will only come when Christ returns, we are called to live as His light bearers now, reflecting the coming Kingdom in our words and actions.



Lord, in a broken world, help us to live as peacemakers and reflect Your light within our families, communities, and beyond. Strengthen us to walk in Your ways and to share Your hope with a weary world. In Jesus' name, Amen..

Thought of the day

       In a divided world, be a peacemaker, walking in the light of the Lord.

Sharon Mariam Mathew
St. Stephen’s Marthoma Church, New Jersey

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