Word for the day by Christian education forum


A Journey Inspired by Divine Encounter

Bible Reading:  Exodus 3:6-10

Key Verse: “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10)


Exodus 3:6–10, narrates Moses’ encounter with God who disrupts the ordinary to reveal the extraordinary. This encounter redefined Moses’ identity and unfolded God’s redemptive work. The passage challenges us to view God’s interruptions in our lives as opportunities for transformation and mission. God reveals Himself to Moses through the burning bush, an extraordinary sight that interrupts an ordinary day. By identifying as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He emphasizes His faithfulness through generations. Yet, God doesn’t remain distant; He expresses His deep concern for His people’s suffering, saying, “I have seen the misery of my people... I am concerned about their suffering” (v. 7). This interruption is not just about revealing God’s care; it’s about transforming Moses. The sacredness of the moment, signified by the command to remove his sandals, underscores the purposefulness of God’s interventions, which aim to reorient lives toward His plan.
In today’s fast-paced world, how often do we overlook God’s interruptions? They invite us to pause, listen, and realign our priorities with His purposes. After expressing His intent to rescue Israel, God declares His plan: “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh” (v. 10). This shifts the focus from God’s action to Moses’ participation. Though Moses, a fugitive and reluctant leader, felt unqualified, God’s call is about obedience, not qualifications. The Hebrew word shalach(sending) signifies a commissioning with authority, reminding us that God equips those He calls. This is a powerful reminder that God’s call often moves us out of our comfort zones. God’s call is not about our abilities but about His presence and power working through us.


Lord, thank You for the sacred interruptions that draw us closer to You. Help us to embrace Your call with courage and faith, trusting that You will empower us for every task You set before us. Transform our hearts and send us out as vessels of Your redemptive love. Amen.

Thought of the day

          "God interrupts the ordinary to reveal His extraordinary purposes; pause, trust, and embrace His call to your journey of faith."

Vineet Vinod
Long Island MTC

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