Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Holding fast to the promise of Christ’s return

Bible Reading:Revelation 3: 8-11


Key Verse:“Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” Revelation 3:11 

In this passage, Jesus speaks to the church in Philadelphia, one of the seven churches addressed in Revelation. This church in Philadelphia is unique among the seven churches because it is the only second church that is not rebuked. It is a message of encouragement and hope for a faithful group of believers who, though small and weary, have steadfastly remained loyal to His name. In a situation where it was tough to stand as Christians, they were standing firm. They were faithful to God’s Word and faithful to Christ’s name. Christ begins by acknowledging their deeds and faithfulness despite their limited strength. He assures them that He has opened a door for them—an opportunity for ministry or a blessing—that no one can shut. This door represents access to God’s promises, eternal life, and fruitful service in His kingdom. This verse is a beautiful reminder that when Jesus opens a door, no power, whether human or spiritual can close it. 
Jesus urges the church in Philadelphia and to His believers today to hold on to our faith in Him , to live in Hope and anticipation of His return ,to live with urgency and readiness , to live  with an eternal perspective, prepared for His return so that we will not lose our crown in Heaven .The crown symbolizes eternal life and victory in Christ. It is a reward for faithfulness, but it requires vigilance. Distractions, compromise, and apathy can jeopardize our spiritual focus. Christs second coming can happen at any time . Its our duty as believers to live expectantly, cling to Gods word , persevere in our trials and  to guard our faith against anything that can lead us astray .
Jesus’ promise to return is both an encouragement and a challenge. We are called to remain faithful, persevere through life’s difficulties, and guard the eternal crown He has prepared for us. Let us live with hope, readiness, and unwavering faith.


Lord, thank You for the promise of Your return. Help us to hold firmly to our faith and remain steadfast in trials. Strengthen us to live with an eternal perspective, guarding the crown You have promised. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen

Thought for the day

“When He returns is not as important as the fact that we are ready for Him when He does return.” ― A.W. Tozer

Eapen Ninan
Mar Thoma Church of South Florida

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