Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Sent with a Purpose: Living out the Mission

Bible Reading: Luke 10:1-11
Key Verse: Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves (Luke 10:3)


Today’s passage describes the sending of the seventy (two) with the mission of the Kingdom of God. Here, the gospel writer, through the commissioning words of Jesus, explains what mission is and how to engage in it. The Basic concept regarding mission is that mission is God’s and the church is called to participate in God’s mission with him. It is a translation process, translating the mind of God through the life of missionaries. There is no difference between mission and life of missionaries.  
The disciples are sent to the towns and places where Jesus was about to go (v.1).  They are supposed to represent Jesus where they were being sent, i.e., to be the presence of Jesus in the world. It is a process of being the presence of Christ. Sending them two by two points to the importance of togetherness or unity in the team ministry of representing Christ. Being the presence of Christ means to stand with lambs against wolves (v.3) and to practice absolute dependency in God (v.4).  It also intends to maintain a creative attitude towards life by accepting life realities with joy and contentment (vs.7-8).
The purpose of mission, explained in the message to be communicated through words and deeds of the disciples is the celebration of life in its fulness. The exhortation to proclaim peace (v.5) and to cure the sick (v.9) emphasises this life-enrichment aspect of the kingdom of God. This is what Jesus showed us through his life. Even in the places where the disciples were not welcomed, they were asked to react in a kingdom style (v.11). The celebration of life in its fulness attests the presence of Christ.
As Jesus said, “those who have seen me have seen my father,” as his disciples, let us have enough confidence to say that “those who have seen us have seen Jesus.”


Dear Lord, help us to participate in the mission of the Kingdom of God with the same mind of you so that we may represent you through our lives in this world. Amen.

Thought of the day

   “Church exists by mission, just as a fire exists by burning” (Emil Brunner).

Rev. M. P. Samuel
Mar Thoma Theological Seminary, Kottayam

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