Word for the day by Christian Forum


Bible Reading:  Jonah: Chapter 2

Key Verse: Jonah 2: 2 
“In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me. From the depths of the grove I  called for help and you listened to my cry”. 


The three day lent is also known as the lent to Ninevites. Because when Jonah went and  preached the word of God to the Ninevites, they repented and transformed their lives. Also Prophet Jonah while in the belly of the fish three days and three nights repented. The message of this lent  is God saves anybody who turns to Him in true repentance. This year the three day lent is from  February 9 – 12. There is a theme for devotion in each day and the second day is about  transformation which I am focusing on. What is transformation? According to Cambridge English  dictionary it is a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, so that  thing or person is improves.  
Jonah chapter 2 offers many insights on transformation, including God’s ability to  transform. God uses the pressure of circumstances to transform hearts, from disobedience to  obedience and from idols to salvation. In the belly of the fish Jonah had time to reflect and realize  his mistake which led to his transformation. Jonah sensed God’s presence during his time of trial,  knowing that God was still good despite his situation. But we ought to pray that by Holly Spirit,  He will transform us during the often difficult and unwelcome circumstances for His Glory and for  His kingdom to make advances through our lives. 
Salvation was the reason Jonah had been called to go to Nineveh. Jonah however was  stubborn, disobedient, and judgmental and had other plans. God used this reluctant prophet as a  vehicle of His grace. Jonah experienced first-hand God’s grace and salvation. He understood how  wonderful God was in reaching out to a man as sinful as he with marvelous offer of forgiveness  and redemption. Salvation is not from our efforts, our power, our skill, our knowledge. It is from  God’s grace. In our despairs, in our running God hears and responds, we are humbled. Then we are  transformed. Call and He hears us. He wants us to come back to Him, stop running away from Him.  The fact that Jonah could pray to God from the belly of a fish, and that God heard him from there,  reminds us that there is no place and no circumstances that we can find ourselves in where we 
cannot connect with God through prayers and receive comfort and help from Him in our time of  need. When we faced with challenges, be open to confessing our struggles and turning to God in  prayer, seeking His strength and direction. Remember that Jonah’s story is a powerful reminder  that no matter how far we have stayed God is always ready to forgive and restore us when we turn  to him insincere heart.  


Lord, like Jonah, I confess my own disobedience and shortcomings. In times of distress,  help me to turn to you with humility and sincerity, trusting in your boundless love and mercy to  guide me through any storm. Thank you for your unwavering presence and the opportunity to  experience your transformative power in my life. 

Thought for the day

Even in our deepest despair and when we have run from God, we can still turn to Him in  prayer and He will hear our cries and deliver us, demonstrating His boundless mercy and love. 

Mariam John 
Epiphany Marthoma Church, New York

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