Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


God’s Promise of Healing and Restoration. 

Bible Reading:  Jeremiah 33:6-11

Key Verse : Jeremiah 33:8  The sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying, “Give thanks to the Lord Almighty,  for the Lord is good ;His love endures forever “ .  For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before “ says the Lord ( New international Version) 


Firstly as an introduction to today’s  reading, in the Book of Jeremiah we are given to understand the destruction of Jerusalem from the Babylonian invasion. Jerusalem was annihilated. Men, women and children were carried away as slaves as the Babylonian army completely devasted Jerusalem and desecrated the temple in the invasion. One of the captives who was carried away was young Jewish slave Daniel who later wrote an entire Book in the Old Testament. God would restore Jerusalem not because the people cried and wept in captivity but because its all part of God’s great plan .  Jerusalem suffered deadly destruction however God will restore the city to its former glory. Thus we see a God full of justice and mercy whose mercies are new every morning as it says in the Book of Lamentation 3:22-23.
Today’s devotional is from Book of Jeremiah 33:6-11. We read in verse 6 that God will nevertheless bring health and healing to the land of Jerusalem that was completely annihilated and scores of dead bodies lay strewn all the over the land. God’s  wrath was on display as death and destruction was all over  in the city of Jerusalem. God assurance comes forth in verse 7 when God indicates that both  the lands of Judah and Israel will be restored from captivity and completely restored to how they were before.  God says in verse 8 that God will cleanse them from their heinous sins and forgive them of rebellion against God Almighty.  We read further in verse 9 that God’s goodness and greatness in restoring the ruined cities will be acclaimed all over the world,  as people experience the transformation of these desolate and ruined cities.  Today’s reading concludes with verse 11 which I have also chosen as the key verses for today whereby  people rejoice and loudly say ‘ Give Thanks to the Almighty for the Lord is good and God’s love endures for ever’.  
This first week of the Great Lent Season , are we ready to loudly rejoice like the  people of Israel and Judah,  to give thanks to God Almighty for restoring us and bringing us back from our state of ruin and destruction.  Are we experiencing the transformation in our lives from the state of hopelessness , are we experiencing a sense of newness , a sense of well being , a sense of tasting complete revival and wholesomeness. That is what happens when we trust in God to restore us from our state of ruin and destruction. .  The Book of 2 Corinthians 5 :17  says ‘ Therefore if anyone is in Christ , he is new creation, the old has passed away , the new has come’ . Let this Lent Season be one of newness for each of us as we lean and rely on God who looks forward in restoring us  to wholesome relationship with God Almighty. 


Almighty and Gracious Lord , enable us experience the newness and richness of restored life in Jesus this Lenten season , we pray in Jesus name – Amen. 

Thought for the day

“ I am fallen, flawed and imperfect. Yet drenched in the grace and mercy that is found in Jesus Christ, there is strength for new day  “. – Adam Young. 

Abraham Kurien, Immanuel Mar Thoma Church, Houston, Texas.

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